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June Pharmaceutical Equipment Auction
Venue address
Unit 5 Ashmount Ind Centre
Caste Park Industrial Estate
Flint, Flintshire
United Kingdom
June Pharmaceutical Equipment Auction

Auction dates
Starts: 31 May 2019 13:00 BST
Ends from: 26 Jun 2019 13:00 BST
Auction currency
We found 30 items matching your search
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Adpack GSP Gemini Flow Wrapper. Located in Corby
Burnley T3W 500 Sleeve Sealer Heat Shrink Unit, 90
CMA Horizontal, Intermittent Motion Cartoner, Moto
Multipack Collator Stretch Bander for Cartoned Pro
Reel Lifter. Located in Corby
Rontech Booklet Feeder, Fully automatic booklet fe
Sontex Hot Jaw Bag Sealer. Located in Corby
Vibratory Bowl with Controller. Located in Corby
King CS120 Rotary Screw Capper, 4 screw capping he
GEI Europack Tiere RTSW Tightwrap Collator Overwra
Multipack F500 Collator Bundle Wrapper for Bottle
Omega Design Container Unscrambler & Elevator, Sta
Swiftpack CapPlus Screw Capper, Serial number M316
Italdibipack model 4225 L-Sealer with heated impul
LP Packaging Ltd model C20 vertical case packer fo
Nordson Series 3100 hot melt applicator. Electric
Arca Etichette model Performance top label applica
ALS model 2016 top label applicator designed to ap
Kecol model H100 compressed air reciprocating pump
Ariane MC Series 4535 compact semi automatic L sea
Komax model Sosei test unit for assembly of non-pr
Interpac Waldner model TS6030 tray sealer for sing
Linx model Xymark 300 SL compact, fully featured m
Herma 132 M series high speed wrap around labeller
DNC model L35CS case taper for top sealing only. S
CFM model R 154 V high capacity industrial vacuum
Long bed belt type conveyor with 2 side packing St
Swiftpack model Swiftcount SP12 Panc tablet/capsul
Uhlmann model C100 horizontal cartoner for blister
Pester model Pewo Fold Compact 2 full overwrapping